Sunday, December 17, 2017

"Elements" at Wargo Nature Center

Domonique Venzant, Erin Goedtel and I have work in Elements at Wargo Nature Center. Organized by Jeffrey Ebeling from Banfill-Locke, each of us were assigned one (or two) of the four Elements to interpret in our work.  Dom is fire/earth, Erin is air, and I am water.  You can still visit the show while it is up.

Dom Venzant, Pit Fired Assemblage & Large Stoneware Vessel, 2017

Dom Venzant, Pit Fired Assemblage (detail), 2017

Erin Goedtel, Digital print on silk lit from within, 2017

Erin Goedtel, Digital prints on silk lit from within, 2017

Laura Andrews, Horizontal Lilypond, Oil on panel, 20" X 20", 2017

Laura Andrews
Circular Lake Panorama, acrylic on Arches Huile
Plein air studies, oil on panel or cardstock
Horizontal Lilypond, oil on panel

Wargo Nature Center​

7701 Main Street
Lino Lakes, MN 55038